Whether the goal is to operationalize a new business, launch a new brand, or commercialize a new offering – or all of the above – it is often quite challenging to figure out the best way to take "the new" to market, particularly when one is accustomed to delivering "the old".   The reason behind this is precisely because it is so new and different – both to the business and to the market.

The temptation that business leaders face is to fall back on what they already know – how they take "the current" to market.   Unfortunately that approach does not usually work well, if at all.   The results end up being disappointing... the business does not gain traction, the brand does not resonate, or the offering does not connect.   And what that all means is that every bit of hard work that went into getting up to this "threshold moment" will have now been for naught.


As seasoned GTM Strategists, we solve this problem for our clients.   Through years of experience, across numerous industries and markets, we have honed the craft of designing effective Go–To–Market Strategies that produce winning results and make an impact on the market.

We know precisely how to analyze the situation with a holistic perspective – the business, the brand, the offering, the users, the market, the corporate ecosystem, and the general business and social environment – and from this develop a winning Go–To–Market Strategy for that situation.   Using a powerful set of GTM tools, we map out a solid, usable plan for operationalizing a new business, launching a new brand, or delivering a new offering to the market.   Our GTM Playbooks lay out clear formulas for engaging markets in ways that enable what you are delivering to resonate with who you are delivering it to.   Because we are constantly immersed in "the new" across so many industries and markets, we have a very clear sense for what these formulas need to look like, and how they can deliver maximum results for your business.

There are scores of possible questions the GTM Strategy has to address.   A sampling of these can include...
Who is the target customer / market?   What market and sales channels have they most recently tuned into?   How does our new offering deliver a value or experience they will want?   What problem is it solving for them, and why is this, in their minds, a problem worth solving?   What is the brand message we should send that will resonate with a real need they have, or create within them an awareness of a latent need?   Where and how do we send that message?   How do we deliver a truly differentiated brand experience that connects these customers with our brand?   How do we produce and deliver the offering in a cost effective manner that fits with our own capabilities and ecosystem?   How do we structure the business to deliver the offering and brand consistently?   What is the roll–out plan and timeline... what needs to happen when?

Ultimately, if your GTM Strategy is to be successful, your business must find the right answers to these and other critical questions, and it must execute the resulting strategy in full, across the board, in all domains – technical, operational, and commercial.   Doing so will be absolutely critical to achieving full success.   To enable this, our GTM Playbooks lay out in full detail the Operations, Marketing, and Sales plans needed to get you successfully into market, as well as all of the "what must remain true" conditions necessary for achieving the intended levels of adoption at various points in the future.

The work we do in developing GTM Strategies lies right at the center of the Mid Zone of Innovation.   It is at the heart of moving something from being just an idea on paper to being a reality that gets customers' attention and eventually realizes mass adoption in the market.


The Go–To–Market Strategy Engagement typically follows these steps:

  1. We begin by listening to you in order to understand what it is you are seeking to take to market, and your goals and objectives for so doing.
  2. If further research is required to better understand the market situation with respect to your goals, we next undertake that research.
  3. Based on what is learned and/or was previously known, we proceed with designing a detailed GTM Strategy that has the greatest chance of delivering on your objectives.   This will include detailed Operations, Marketing, and Sales plans for getting into market, as well as those factors that can impact achievement of your expected long-term adoption results.
  4. When finished, we prepare for you a formal Go–To–Market Strategy Playbook that documents in full detail the associated Operations, Marketing, and Sales plans.
  5. We then travel to your office and present the Playbook to your leadership team.   We can also lead workshops with any of your staff to help disseminate the GTM Strategy wherever needed.
  6. As desired, we can assist you in implementing this GTM Strategy, including by developing new product, service, and/or customer experience innovations.

Engage us for Go–To–Market Strategy design.



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